The Warmth of Mexican Culture

[Melissa’s Reflections on Mexican Culture, Part 1]

Over the next month, I’m going to write a few blog posts about the things I love and find interesting about Mexican culture. To kick off the series I share a few aspects of Mexican culture that I find beautiful, warm, and delightful!

  • Making Plans: In the U.S., I am used to planning ahead by weeks or even months to meet up with a friend or colleague. In Mexico, it would be pretty crazy to make plans that far ahead! Messaging a day or two before - or even the day of - to see about meeting up is the norm.

  • Greeting with a kiss: In Mexico City, it is common to greet with a hug or handshake plus a kiss on the cheek - much like in many European countries. Depending on your sense of personal space and preference of physical touch, you may love or hate this practice. Personally, I love that greetings are so warm and welcoming! We’ll see how I adjust back to greetings in the U.S. :-)

  • The lovely phrase mi casa es su casa: You have probably heard this phrase: literally, “my house is your house.” But it goes beyond a simple phrase. Whenever you mention your home, it is typical to add “…que es su casa…” after. It could even be considered rude to not add “you have a home there” when mentioning your home city or state.

    And Mexican people don’t just say this: they practice generous hospitality. I have stayed in the master bedroom multiple times in Mexico while the hosts slept on a mattress in the living room. The generous hospitality is truly next level!

  • Buen Provecho: This phrase is the “bon appetit” of the Spanish language, and you always say it when eating. You even say it to people you walk past in a restaurant or pass enjoying some tacos on the street - even if they are total strangers! Once, I was munching on a peanut butter sandwich outside the conservatory between classes. A darling abuelita smiled at me and said “provecho” as she walked past. This phrase is such a beautiful example of the warmth and welcoming nature of Mexican culture. And - whether you speak much Spanish or not - it is an easy phrase to remember and practice when you are traveling in Mexico or interacting with Hispanic people in the U.S. ¡Buen Provecho!

    Want to expand your vocabulary with more simple Spanish phrases? Click the link below for some of my favorites:

Fun and Simple Spanish Phrases!


Terminology and Mexican Culture


Fun and Simple Spanish Phrases